Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Biological Interrelationships



it tried desperately to open my eyes to emergency land the plane but could not. The pain started making my eyelids heavy and I was completely stunned by the chaos of feathers, wind and blood in the cabin. I concentrated in a last effort I raised my neck and maneuvered the plane in the most flat as possible. I prayed to Almighty and I said - Here we go! -
I started to feel repetitive brush strokes in the fuselage and wings. With a deafening roar fuselage landfall and after several shocks began to slide to the left until it stops abruptly in the bushes. I went with the impact of head against the dashboard but fortunately my leather cap and goggles protected me my face. I felt more blood and this time was mine. Quickly I dropped shoulders retainers my harness and a heavy blow to the safety clasp me safe from my parachute on which he sat. I jumped on the left wing that was buried in the bushes. A strong smell of burning oil coming from the engine. Then I jumped to the ground and started running as fast as I could thinking that the plane could explode at any moment. Then came one dark.

whom I was at first thought he was dead. I heard them flying low over his farm, heard the impact and then when the engine stopped. They ran in that direction and found the plane about smoking and body strangely upside down covered in bloody feathers. Was a farmer and his daughter in the midst of the most beautiful landscape of southern Chile. By great coincidence of this life, this farmer had served in World War II as a pilot in the RAF (Royal Air Force in England) flying the Spitfires. This will soon grace came in to see me. - A downed pilot? - He laughed.
took me unconscious on a cart to the farm and cared for me as only two angels had done.
When I woke up he was staring at a light bulb in the center of a room full of light, but quite simple. I did not know he was doing there. Animal noise heard outside. The acrid smell of iodine and alcohol reminded me of the accident. I could not believe it! Something I never thought I was going to happen. I crash! I'm alive! He had had an extremely lucky. He knew how to proceed in an emergency and apparently ... He had done well! My face and neck were sore with some gauze and bandages. My left foot hurt a lot, perhaps hurt by jumping from the plane. - How long have happened? - Sounds of boot heels were heard announcing the wood floor the entrance of a beautiful young woman in her twenties with some old jeans ...

Continued ...


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