Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sad Gangsta Nicknames


Today we commemorate here in Florida and the world one more anniversary of the downing of two Cessna planes of Brothers to the Rescue "or" Brothers to the Rescue "in a cowardly attack by the Cuban Air Force on 24 February 1996 that killed four of the pilots of the organization.
from many sites on the Internet I found one where there is a brief summary of information on the missions of the organization and what happened that fateful day with transcripts of conversations between pilots and air traffic control of Havana and the conversations between the pilots of the Cuban air force. This is the link:
This link:
Who are the Brothers to the Rescue?
is a humanitarian organization based in Miami, Florida, made up of Cuban-Americans, Cubans and other nationalities, in order to assist Cubans in the Straits of Florida on a raft fleeing the communist island of Cuba to locate and from the air jets of water, food, radios and also coordination with the Coast Guard to the rescue ..
On Saturday February 24, 1996, when three planes of Brothers to the Rescue met one of her many humanitarian missions, a Mig 29 fighter plane, using the logistic support of a Mig 25 radar war and military bases located in Cuba, shattered rocket air air International waters, two of three civilian planes of Brothers to the Rescue. The third aircraft managed to escape and return to their base in Florida.

My friend Augusto Rosas had the privilege of flying with Brothers to the Rescue "and transcribe his story here is part of his article in this blog: -stories-of-August-roses-2a-parte.html

I decided to abandon my plan to get the license instructor. I volunteered to fly with the "Civil Air Patrol" and so I managed to make the most hours. I knew then Opalocka airport, north of Miami, the group "Brothers to the Rescue" and managed to give me as co-pilot and pilot after reconnaissance flights to locate rafters fleeing Cuba in the sea . This was a beautiful experience difficult to describe. Spotting was almost life-saving because many of them die at sea. It was an indescribable joy to discover. In the morning preparing a small bags of canned food and especially a cheap radio with instructions on how to use it to communicate with aircraft. It was very exciting when the boat received the bag and called us telling us that the plane carried four to six days in the ocean. After we gave the coordinates of the raft to the Coast Guard to be in charge of the rescue.

Here I am with the squadron commander and founder Jose Basulto. This is the Cessna 337 Skymaster.

prayer before leaving.

Flight training final cut parallel to the airport runway Opalocka.

With my shirt "Brothers to the Rescue." The logo is the flag of Cuba and the rafters. Here you can see the rear engine Skymaster.


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