First, my condolences to all those affected by the fatal Spanair accident at noon today at Barajas. I hope that does not fall on deaf ears and serve to remind us of very important security in any air operation, and to encourage both professionals of aviation and aeronautics, and to whom we strive to become part of them, to work even further in a profession with so much responsibility.
Victor H.
Having said that, I have to withdraw my indignation as to how the media have treated the news. The image of reporters chasing family through the airport to record their sorrow at the misfortune, or collapsing entries emergency to photograph people in distress. And do not blame these people more than the editors, publishers, editors and others in the majority of the media in this country. Lords journalists and other press people should review their code of ethics in depth, each his own, and demonstrate professional if reporting the way they do. For anyone who has been attentive today, you may have noticed that today is competing to give a death toll. Sad but true. Or alive. No matter, the case was put bait on a spit. Speaking of bait, disgusting visit the pages of newspapers, overrun by people with severe burns or family painful moments, whose privacy should be respected. This is not here is tomato, this is real life and you should respect people.
And I will not be that deprive you of the right to information and all argumentáis roll at the time that someone outside your little world will demand raises his voice for education. That is not information, that's rubbish. The information is in the news of a Spanair crash at Barajas and subsequent press releases and later, including information from witnesses about how the accident occurred. That is admissible. But the images that you show or assumptions you do about a serious subject such as victims death, or to make a ranking of air crashes in Spain. That can not be tolerated.
you put in the situation of that family, or hurt himself with the flashes from the table. Failure makes you goosebumps, you have a problem. a respect, please. do not know if readers of this blog will agree with me, or maybe it has affected me more than usual. I myself flew in a Spanair MD from Barajas to the Canaries this summer also was delayed by problems with an engine and took off about three in the afternoon.
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