After a couple of weeks of pure chaos and frantic movement on the part of the Works, the less surprising, it seems that the uproar over the uncertain future of the airline Leon comes to an end. The truth is that at times has been difficult even to follow the developments, because of the overnight (or tomorrow at noon) the whole picture changed abruptly and then re-twisted in a loop of statements, answers and meetings Ramón Alonso himself dizzy.
followed some of the road (which you can find perfectly detailed in Committee page), we summarize the current situation in a nutshell: the only one that has no face, for better or for worse, is Isabel Carrasco, president of the Diputación de León and the Consortium for the management and promotion of the Airport of León, the latter charge that do not really know if you remember the PP politician. Although many of his fellow party members, and others are not, have cut their holiday to tackle the problem, Mrs. Carrasco has chosen to continue their holiday in Marbella and postpone Consortium meeting chaired for Monday 1 September. Thus, the only thing that is clear is that the views on the León airport within the PP are quite divided: some worry a little bit and others are concerned. The matter is more serious than it seems: What if the mayor of Leon not to worry about the city of Leon? Or the baker in my neighborhood doing good bread? Or the driver of Alvia for carrying passengers safe? Who is holding a responsible position in your company has not had to deal with any urgent matter during your holiday, even by phone? That's it. If Isabel Carrasco Consortium does not care, either because they are not interested or because they do not look capable, rather than leave his post free. In this case, evil is better known because it can not be worse than today.
Indeed, much debate on the subject in all the newspapers. Positions at times obtuse, stunned I say, after the shower. Although now it seems that the storm subsides begin to look a little more of view everything that happened, hoping to get something clear right now what we glimpse. Still, let's all over, there are still clouds on the horizon.
I leave, that you read it if you like, the Diario de León column From the Rubicon call , F. Ramos, who today is entitled In both ways. Greetings.
followed some of the road (which you can find perfectly detailed in Committee page), we summarize the current situation in a nutshell: the only one that has no face, for better or for worse, is Isabel Carrasco, president of the Diputación de León and the Consortium for the management and promotion of the Airport of León, the latter charge that do not really know if you remember the PP politician. Although many of his fellow party members, and others are not, have cut their holiday to tackle the problem, Mrs. Carrasco has chosen to continue their holiday in Marbella and postpone Consortium meeting chaired for Monday 1 September. Thus, the only thing that is clear is that the views on the León airport within the PP are quite divided: some worry a little bit and others are concerned. The matter is more serious than it seems: What if the mayor of Leon not to worry about the city of Leon? Or the baker in my neighborhood doing good bread? Or the driver of Alvia for carrying passengers safe? Who is holding a responsible position in your company has not had to deal with any urgent matter during your holiday, even by phone? That's it. If Isabel Carrasco Consortium does not care, either because they are not interested or because they do not look capable, rather than leave his post free. In this case, evil is better known because it can not be worse than today.
Indeed, much debate on the subject in all the newspapers. Positions at times obtuse, stunned I say, after the shower. Although now it seems that the storm subsides begin to look a little more of view everything that happened, hoping to get something clear right now what we glimpse. Still, let's all over, there are still clouds on the horizon.
I leave, that you read it if you like, the Diario de León column From the Rubicon call , F. Ramos, who today is entitled In both ways. Greetings.