Saturday, August 30, 2008

What Can Relate To Cellular Respiration?

Storm "Laguna" begins to subside

After a couple of weeks of pure chaos and frantic movement on the part of the Works, the less surprising, it seems that the uproar over the uncertain future of the airline Leon comes to an end. The truth is that at times has been difficult even to follow the developments, because of the overnight (or tomorrow at noon) the whole picture changed abruptly and then re-twisted in a loop of statements, answers and meetings Ramón Alonso himself dizzy.
Regardless Foto © Rafael A. Cacho
followed some of the road (which you can find perfectly detailed in Committee page), we summarize the current situation in a nutshell: the only one that has no face, for better or for worse, is Isabel Carrasco, president of the Diputación de León and the Consortium for the management and promotion of the Airport of León, the latter charge that do not really know if you remember the PP politician. Although many of his fellow party members, and others are not, have cut their holiday to tackle the problem, Mrs. Carrasco has chosen to continue their holiday in Marbella and postpone Consortium meeting chaired for Monday 1 September. Thus, the only thing that is clear is that the views on the León airport within the PP are quite divided: some worry a little bit and others are concerned. The matter is more serious than it seems: What if the mayor of Leon not to worry about the city of Leon? Or the baker in my neighborhood doing good bread? Or the driver of Alvia for carrying passengers safe? Who is holding a responsible position in your company has not had to deal with any urgent matter during your holiday, even by phone? That's it. If Isabel Carrasco Consortium does not care, either because they are not interested or because they do not look capable, rather than leave his post free. In this case, evil is better known because it can not be worse than today.

Indeed, much debate on the subject in all the newspapers. Positions at times obtuse, stunned I say, after the shower. Although now it seems that the storm subsides begin to look a little more of view everything that happened, hoping to get something clear right now what we glimpse. Still, let's all over, there are still clouds on the horizon.

I leave, that you read it if you like, the Diario de León column From the Rubicon call , F. Ramos, who today is entitled In both ways. Greetings.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visa Invitation For My Brother

The City Council settled the debt of EUR 3.3 million workers Lagunair

Today it has been paid the amount owed to the company Lagunair Leon. With this payment, the municipality of Leon has shown its strong and clear to the company and its employees, and the airport serving the city.

now is to speak out both the County and the Board of the Consortium institutions to make clear once and for all whether there is a real willingness to support both the airport and businesses in the province, including that There are gaps. This desire was questioned for more than two weeks, when the "Leon" Ana Guadalupe (PP spokesman in the city council), made a famous statement in which inveighed against the services provided by Laguna, at the same time Valencia defended the airline Air Nostrum. These criticisms were not much less excused by his superiors in the party that currently governs in the Community, revealing a long held position and within the regional sector of the PP.

Just today, has requested an urgent meeting of the Consortium for next Thursday for Town Planning and Vice Chairman, Francisco Gutiérrez.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unit 4 Sadlier Oxford Level E Answers

meet Friday with mayors

will, without doubt, the morning agenda of the Committee of Workers of the company Lagunair Leon. Friday will meet with the mayors of three municipalities with the highest interest León Airport: Valverde de la Virgen, San Andrés del Rabanedo and Leon, in that order. Fernández will receive the airline employees preceded by words of support to the group, and reaffirming the requests of Chamorro.

the company's management, meanwhile, still does not speak openly about the future of the airline. This week, the meeting with that committee, were limited only to remember what had and had not gotten so far. Between what we have failed, is an injection of capital, after rumors of the entry of a famous investor has finally silenced, after demonstrating the attempt to strike a company created in his office, showing that it hands tied in this regard and "contract."

From here I wish luck to all workers in Laguna, its Committee and the leadership of the company, and hopefully resolve this situation of tension and uncertainty in the most beneficial for everyone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Resolution To Alas, Babylon

Spanish journalists demonstrate their lack of ethics in the accident in Barajas

First, my condolences to all those affected by the fatal Spanair accident at noon today at Barajas. I hope that does not fall on deaf ears and serve to remind us of very important security in any air operation, and to encourage both professionals of aviation and aeronautics, and to whom we strive to become part of them, to work even further in a profession with so much responsibility.
Victor H.

Having said that, I have to withdraw my indignation as to how the media have treated the news. The image of reporters chasing family through the airport to record their sorrow at the misfortune, or collapsing entries emergency to photograph people in distress. And do not blame these people more than the editors, publishers, editors and others in the majority of the media in this country. Lords journalists and other press people should review their code of ethics in depth, each his own, and demonstrate professional if reporting the way they do. For anyone who has been attentive today, you may have noticed that today is competing to give a death toll. Sad but true. Or alive. No matter, the case was put bait on a spit. Speaking of bait, disgusting visit the pages of newspapers, overrun by people with severe burns or family painful moments, whose privacy should be respected. This is not here is tomato, this is real life and you should respect people.

And I will not be that deprive you of the right to information and all argumentáis roll at the time that someone outside your little world will demand raises his voice for education. That is not information, that's rubbish. The information is in the news of a Spanair crash at Barajas and subsequent press releases and later, including information from witnesses about how the accident occurred. That is admissible. But the images that you show or assumptions you do about a serious subject such as victims death, or to make a ranking of air crashes in Spain. That can not be tolerated.

you put in the situation of that family, or hurt himself with the flashes from the table. Failure makes you goosebumps, you have a problem. a respect, please. do not know if readers of this blog will agree with me, or maybe it has affected me more than usual. I myself flew in a Spanair MD from Barajas to the Canaries this summer also was delayed by problems with an engine and took off about three in the afternoon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Example Of Debut Prayer

Lagunair address meets with the works council

Vice President and Board of Directors and the Manager and the Director General of Air Lagún, met today with delegates and UGT to clarify the current situation of the company. The Management

are reminded workers that the company has met the initial objectives, as were the fleet renewal and expansion within the Community. Also, explained that the company is open to a possible capital increase, but "so far has not crystallized any offer."

Concern is also hanging over the company in terms of debt today of 5.5 million euros that the authorities have with Lagunair . They have also noted "the need for future viability of a support from all public authorities in terms similar to the current (as happens with other companies operating in regional aviation)."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

London Fruit &herb Co

The crisis does not leave

Around the middle of each month, we already have provisional data traffic in the network of English airports for July . And the truth is not good, however much they made up several press releases and referring to so far this year instead of the previous month. The problem is exacerbated if we consider that these summer months are the most important for business, which provide food for the rest of the year.

For the entire network, all negative data load except : falls from -3.7 to -3.5% in passengers and operations, respectively. As we say, the amount of cargo carried increased by 4.7% over the previous year. As for the

Leon Airport in July, a passenger drop -26.4% 12,345 places it in users, accompanied by a decrease in the number of transactions from -13.2% to leave these in 583. It may be recalled here that this month has seen the end of the route to Madrid from Laguna, which came to mean the order of 100 operations and over 2,000 pax. month. In fact, this month it went from more than 4,500 users of the route that has become customary at this time of year and in previous months, less than half, only 2,212. Moreover, the new Air France flight to Tenerife involves eight operations that brought 1,476 passengers, so becomes the Canary Islands this month in the third landmark destination ahead of the 1,282 Palma de Mallorca. El Prat remained the most popular destinations with 4,840 users. The payload also exchanged with Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas usual since February, with 1,673 kg. Thus, the average is 9,693 kg. so far this year.

As to other airports Northwest, the figures are not much better, except in the case of Santander airport, which increased both passengers (84,229, 11.9%) and operations (1,893, 13% ), compared to July 2007. In the Community Valladolid decreased by -9.8% to reach 50,443 users, while its operations are maintained. Also suffered the burden, which decreased to 2,176 kg (-32.4%). Salamanca also saw traffic fall to the 6,852 passengers, a -15.2%. In Asturias saved type, with a -2% reduction in operations and passengers. Not so in charge, where facilities were Ranón spend -43.4% of goods, 10,179 kg. In the Galician airports also accumulated losses of between 10 and 17% in users.

So the situation is likely until next year continue to see declines in traffic figures, which will begin to rebound later this year if eventually stabilize the price of a barrel of oil . As Leon facilities, is likely to be harmed more by the many factors more or less outside the aviation field: Missed the bus to the airport, running late in the construction access and the start of construction of the NAT, and the lack of political commitment "real" damage the image of the airport continuously. Politicians should ask first if you really want to do something for the airport in Leon, if you are willing to work for it really, if you believe in the project. The next step is to prove it.

One final note regarding the burden in Leon. The amounts of cargo at our airport are now very low. To get an idea, 2,000 kg are to be a water tank of a meter square base and two meters high. The freight terminal is a little far to be described as "essential" While it is true that the infrastructure would generate traffic and very interesting strategic position of the Virgen del Camino, together with lower airport fees in respect of Galicia and Asturias. Still, in the coming months I hope to publish a more comprehensive analysis on the possibilities of León airport in cargo traffic.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Average Daycares Costs In Miami

Vacation Lagunair workers, together with all

The Works of Lagunair airline today has created a website called to be published in press releases and dates of meetings maintained over the coming weeks in order to achieve a commitment from the government and the social and economic effects of this Commonwealth, to ensure continuity of gaps in the present and the future.

From want to support the entire group of professionals who make up the airline, and we hope to prosper all their demands, especially the respect work by the Community policy .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blurry Vision 27 Weeks Pregnant

Transparency ...

Already there are many voices raised to ask the Junta de Castilla y León once and for all make public the amounts to be allocated to support the different companies, and to explain the reasons for them. Transparency. Is all that is asked. Let the truth be known. From this page, we want to join these voices. The latest news suggests that Air Nostrum has received 117 million Euros from Valencia and Caja Duero, Community enterprise. It is true that there are many differences between lagoon and Air Nostrum, and therefore has to compare the weighted data. Now, it is also true that we can not afford sit back and let the money (our money) of the Board goes against our own interests. Air Nostrum is where is for many reasons, including being a cover of Iberia, but no doubt she has received unquestionable support from the Valencian Community. For example and see if we rowed at once all on the same side.

release from the Works of Lag an air :

"The works council as they have done the PSOE and UPL political parties, we also ask about the distribution of money to the Junta de Castilla y León has been awarded to all airlines operating from the airports in this region.

The publication of these public accounts will allow all citizens to know that this government support grants to regional business projects Castile and Leon.

also employees of this company are of great concern in the silence that kept the Popular Party and the Working Group, the former solicitors of the UPL-on debts held several government with the airline and are a terrible impediment to growth itself, especially in an age so tough and competitive as the current in the aviation sector.

Popular Party nor even said on more than unfortunate comments by his spokesman León municipal, and neither has endorsed the County Council in a unique company that has allowed Leon to become a reference center for economic and industrial nationwide. The Working Group

in Parliament, it seems amazing that has not yet raised certain questions in this autonomous government will support you have in the development of air transport as the backbone of this community.

We are confident that the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the Diputación de León, the latter through its Airport Consortium "will respond to the situation of contracts held with Laguna. However, this committee on behalf of the most 250 families are directly or indirectly, this company asks government that answers to the questions of social and political actors are answered in a short time and that the current situation makes us particularly sensitive sector. "

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Flexeril Is Safe During Pregnancy

Why do not you shut up? AENA

The PP spokesman in the city of León, Ana Guadalupe , attacks the company Leon saying "Lagunair should improve the quality of service" and "can not be expected that so young a company competes with Air Nostrum "and stating that in his opinion, this already has enough support. This statement is the answer the request of Javier Chamorro , acting mayor of León, greater support Lagunair.

Miss Ana Guadalupe,

From this page, and on behalf, I think, for many users, employees or supporters of the Leon Airport, and ultimately, all the Leonese, we ask you that you please refer to the saying "better to keep quiet and appear stupid, than open your mouth and dispel all doubts."

is true that in his profession (as respectable as any other, even the oldest in the world, whether or not honest), sometimes gives the impression that it is necessary to stand against what you tell the front to collect the vote that does not agree with what it says. But there is that little Leon who do not want the best for his province and, therefore, to one of his companies. And if the company also belongs to an elite sector such as aviation, as more in my favor. And if it encourages more competition in the regional airline industry, and enables further development of the airport in León ... Let for once colorful, pin, from banners, stickers, and right, reverses, left, center and others. Because every time you say these silly, does not lose the PP or PSOE lost or lose UPL: Leon loses a company that is trying to stay afloat in an extremely competitive sector, in situations of disadvantage and in a difficult economic context. And you come over (or his party, I do not) and does something that in any other place in this country do not understand: throw stones at the roof of all Leon. And then the qualification of entrepreneurs as some enterprising Leon ... With some support like yours in your own tierrines, not if we have much right to criticize.

Now, I do not know if you would come out free tickets Air Nostrum, but even so, stop saying crap about the quality of service in Laguna. The bad image of you when you are promoting these statements, and I'll explain why. Laguna is a small company, and does not have too many appliances. When a glitch occurs, normal on any airline, you must use one of the devices free. This sometimes is not possible until hours later, as happened 10 days ago on the flight to Ibiza. And I defend because in many of these occasions, it can be less burdensome for the company to cancel the flight or solve the transport of such persons in other ways much more uncomfortable to delay his departure a few hours. In addition, referring to this case, acted by Lagunair book, whether passengers reflected the concern and sense of lack information typical of these situations. In fact, as depicted in passenger rights, tickets were given food and were given the opportunity for reimbursement if in the end decided not to travel. And we, in terms of services: first company without overbooking by trade policy, business type single class service on board a quality ... Now, if by Air Nostrum flies free, it does not say anything.

Please do not defend the interests of León, but keep quiet to those who want to defend them. Victor

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Netopia Ter Gusb2-n Drivers

Privatization: Problem or Opportunity?

fateful day has arrived. Without really knowing why, the government started to privatize the public body that managed, with a proven success, the English airports and air navigation, as well as other airports in various parts of the world. In this article, I will briefly some details of this process before going on to give my opinion on the subject, with particular emphasis on our airport. I hope therefore also encourage yours.

If you ask me, illogical. If anyone has answers consistent to the following questions, and even having a socialist government, please (and do not say with any pitorreo), let us know. With consistent answers I mean not having to do with locals and, especially, Catalan.

"Why privatize a public entity providing satisfactory service to users efficiently and with lower rates of environment?

"Why is privatized, it is one of the few public bodies that have surplus (ie, yields dividends to the state) ?

"Why is privatization of the institutions really supportive and unifying the whole state, which manages both airports in less developed areas as some of the largest in Europe, fulfilling an important social work ?

"Why are privatized, when it creates problems in the market environment, or alter the activities of the ?


Well, the truth is that this alienation not much. Like it or not is done . And it privatized deprivatize is rarely seen, but now we have the example of Aerolineas Argentinas. The chosen formula was as follows. Said first and fast, AENA will be AE and NA, ie the one hand is the airspace, which remains entirely public (thank goodness). are the English airports will suffer a partial and gradual privatization to reach 30% , at least at this time. If the figure is there, things do not look so bad, the problem is that once the door opens, the pressures of increasing private. Let's leave it there.

As for the participation of the Autonomous Communities in the management of airports, I must say that here or we go, we did not come. Communities Because only participate directly in the airport management when installing more than 30 million passengers a year , read Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat and exceptionally Palma de Mallorca (23 million pax.) For have strategic importance, as Zapatero said the Balearics offer that opportunity last weekend.

Now, mentioning the title of the post: Do you think that privatization is an opportunity or a problem León Airport?

I personally I feel that there are a couple of faces on the coin. On the one hand, it is true that the 100 million euros investment in our AENA airport in the last 9 years would have caused problems in accountability, up from 30% of private capital that seeks to benefit the principal objective.

However, it can be an opportunity for, if indeed there is a compelling and interest on the part of employers Leon, is to build a center of air cargo in a position to benefit from the location and underutilization of the field Leon flight. Or a site where Lagunair conditions, if this is the case in the future. Because it is very sad, I think, to pass something like what happens to the railway line of the Via de la Plata, where entrepreneurs from different and even the multinational Renault are continually asking for its reopening, and nobody makes them any attention.

not to say this that no one could have developed the project with AENA entirely public, much less. Only I think now the vision of economic performance in network will move each particular facility. We will have to try to minimize their losses as possible, and even turn them into profit ... (Look at Girona airport ex-deficient, how they sought the life ...) And no, no I think airports are closed, really. At least not in the short term.
